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All prints are limited editions. Most works are available. Other sizes are available upon request. See examples below.

Please call  602.577.4504 or email me for availability and printing schedules.

16"x20" paper prints are $250

24" x 30" gallery wrap canvas prints are $575

32" x 40" gallery wrap canvas prints are $650

36" x 48" gallery wrap canvas prints are $700

Prices subject to change without notification

My artwork is  professionally photographed by a fine art photographer. Digital captures of each work can be as large as 400 mega pixels. These are non-interpolated, calibrated color exposures using a custom 500 point reference target system. Depending on the image size, it can take up to two hours to scan an original. Special lighting and light field mapping (to within 

1%) is used to capture all the subtle variations of color and texture. No detail is missed. 

Prints are produced using a 12 color printing process onto high quality, archival graded certified canvas without optical brightening additives. It is more expensive to produce, but the final product is far superior in color, detail and depth. All gallery wrapped canvas prints are (canvas stapled to the back of the wood frame and color on the sides) so you can mount them right on the wall without a frame. Two coats of custom UV coating on canvas prints ensure long life and color retention.